

1. Aref W., Catlin A.C., Elmagarmid A., Fan J., Guo J., Hammad M., Ilyas I., Marzouk M., Prabhakar S., Rezgui A., Teoh S., Terzi E., Tu Y.C., Vakali A., Zhu X.: A Distributed Database Server for Continuous Media. In: Proceedings 18th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp. 490-491, San Jose, CA, 2002. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Bozanis P., Manolopoulos Y.: LDT: a Logarithmic Distributed Search Tree. In: Proceedings 4th Workshop on Distributed Data & Structures (WDAS), pp. 121-132, Paris, France, 2002. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Cache Management for Web-Powered Databases. In: Taniar D., Rahayu W.J. (Ed.): Web-Powered Databases, pp. 201-242, IDEA Group, 2002. (Type: Incollection | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Katsaros P., Lazos C.: Regenerative Estimation Variants of Response Times in Closed Networks of Queues. In: Proceedings 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modeling & Optimization (ICOSMO), Skiathos, Greece, 2002. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX)
5. Katsaros P., Lazos C.: Structured Performance Modeling and Analysis for Object Based Distributed Software Systems. In: Proceedings 15th ISCA International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 96-102, Louisville, KY, 2002. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Manolopoulos Y.: Binomial Coefficient Calculation: Recursion or Iteration?. In: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin Inroads, 34 (4), pp. 65-67, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Nanopoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Exploiting Web Log Mining for Web Cache Enhancement. In: Springer Verlag LNAI, 2356 , pp. 68-87, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Nanopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Efficient Similarity Search for Market Basket Data. In: The VLDB Journal, 11 (2), pp. 138-152, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
9. Nanopoulos A., Theodoridis Y., Manolopoulos Y.: An Efficient and Effective Algorithm for Density Biased Sampling. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp. 63-68, McLean, VA, 2002. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
10. Nanopoulos A., Zakrzewicz M., Morzy T., Manolopoulos Y.: Indexing Web Access-Logs for Pattern Queries. In: Proceedings 4th International Workshop on Web Information & Data Management (WIDM), pp. 398-404, McLean, VA, 2002. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
11. Nascimento M., Tousidou E., Vishal C., Manolopoulos Y.: Image Indexing and Retrieval Using Signature Trees. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 43 (1), pp. 57-77, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
12. Tousidou E., Bozanis P., Manolopoulos Y.: Signature-based Structures for Objects with Set-valued Attributes. In: Information Systems, 27 (2), pp. 93-121, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
13. Tzouramanis T., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: On the Generation of Time-Evolving Regional Data. In: GeoInformatica, 6 (3), pp. 207-231, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
14. Vakali A.: Evolutionary Techniques for Web Caching. In: Distributed & Parallel Databases, 11 (1), pp. 93-116, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX)
15. Vakali A., Terzi E.: Video data storage policies: an access frequency based approach. In: Computers & Electrical Engineering, 28 (6), pp. 447-464, 2002. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
16. Vontas A., Koutsakas P., Athanasopoulou C., Koumpis A., Hatzaras P., Manolopoulos Y., Vassilakopoulos M.: Integrating Mobile Agent Infrastructures in Operational ERP Systems. In: Proceedings 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), pp. 1107-1111, Ciudad Real, Spain, 2002. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Corral A., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: The Impact of Buffering in Closest Pair Queries. In: Proceedings 5th East-European Conference on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS), pp. 41-54, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Hacid M.S., Terzi E., Vakali A.: Querying XML with Constraints. In: Proceedings International Conference on Internet Computing (IC), pp. 171-177, Las Vegas, NV, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Ilioudis C., Pangalos G., Vakali A.: Security Model for XML Data. In: Proceedings International Conference on Internet Computing (IC), pp. 400-406, Las Vegas, NV, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX)
4. Katsaros P., Angelis L., Lazos C.: Applied Multiresponse Metamodeling for Queuing Network Simulation Experiments: Problems and Perspectives. In: Proceedings 4th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling & Simulation, Delfts, The Netherlands, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Katsaros P., Lazos C.: Steady-state Simulation of Queuing Processes in Parallel Time Streams: Problems and Potentialities. In: Proceedings 5th Hellenic European Research Conference on Computer Mathematics & its Applications Conference, pp. 370-376, Athens, Greece, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Katsaros P., Lazos C.: Shared Memory Parallel Regenerative Queuing Network Simulation. In: Proceedings 15th European Simulation Multiconference, pp. 736-740, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Manolopoulos Y., Nardelli E., Proietti G., Tousidou E.: A Generalized Comparison of Linear Representations of Thematic Layers. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 37 (1), pp. 1-23, 2001. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Nanopoulos A., Alcock R., Manolopoulos Y.: Feature-based Classification of Time-series Data. In: Mastorakis N., Nikolopoulos S. (Ed.): International Journal of Computer Research, pp. 49-61, Nova Science, 2001. (Type: Incollection | BibTeX | Links: )
9. Nanopoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Effective Prediction of Web-user Accesses: a Data Mining Approach. In: Proceedings Conference on Mining Log Data Across All Customer Touchpoints (WebKDD), San Francisco, CA, 2001, (ppt slides: /wp-content/uploads/publications/WebKDD01nkm.ppt). (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
10. Nanopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Mining Patterns from Graph Traversals. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 37 (3), pp. 243-266, 2001. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
11. Nanopoulos A., Theodoridis Y., Manolopoulos Y.: C2P: Clustering with Closest Pairs. In: Proceedings 27th Very Large Data Bases Conference (VLDB), pp. 331-340, Rome, Italy, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
12. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Distributed Processing of Similarity Queries. In: Distributed & Parallel Databases, 9 (1), pp. 67-92, 2001. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
13. Tzouramanis T., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Time-split Linear Quadtrees for Indexing Image Databases. In: Proceedings 8th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 733-736, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
14. Vakali A., Angelis L., Pournara D.: Internet Based Auctions: A Survey on Mmodels and Applications. In: ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 2 (2), pp. 6-15, 2001. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX)
15. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: Caching across Heterogeneous Internet Sources - an Object Oriented Approach. In: Mastorakis N., Nikolopoulos S. (Ed.): International Journal of Computer Research, pp. 81-108, Nova Science, 2001. (Type: Incollection | BibTeX | Links: )
16. Vakali A., Papadimitriou G., Pomportsis A.: A Feedback-based Model for I/O Servicing. In: Computers & Electrical Engineering, 27 (4), pp. 309-322, 2001. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX)
17. Vakali A., Stupa C.: A QoS Based Disk Subsystem. In: Proceedings 16th International Conference Computers & their Applications (ISCA), 2001. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
18. Vakali A., Terzi E.: Multimedia Data Storage and Representation Issues on Tertiary Storage Subssystems: An Overview. In: ACM Operating Systems Review, 35 (2), pp. 61-77, 2001. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX)


1. Bozanis P., Manolopoulos Y.: DSL: Accommodating Skip Lists in the SDDS Model. In: Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Distributed Data & Structures (WDAS), pp. 1-9, L'Aquila, Italy, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Corral A., Manolopoulos Y., Theodoridis Y., Vassilakopoulos M.: Closest Pair Queries in Spatial Databases. In: Proceedings ACM Conference of the Special Interest Group on Management of Data (SIGMOD), pp. 189-200, Dallas, TX, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Katsaros P., Lazos C.: A Technique for Determining Queuing Network Simulation Length Based on Desired Accuracy. In: International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering, 15 (6), pp. 399-404, 2000. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Katsaros P., Lazos C.: Regenerative Queuing Network Distributed Simulation. In: Proceedings 14th European Simulation Multiconference, pp. 109-113, Gent, Belgium, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX)
5. Manousaka A., Manolopoulos Y.: Fringe Analysis of 2-3 trees with Lazy Parent Split. In: The Computer Journal, 43 (5), pp. 420-429, 2000. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Nanopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Finding Generalized Path Patterns for Web Log Data Mining. In: Proceedings 4th East-European Conference on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS-DASFAA), pp. 215-228, Prague, Czech Republic, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Stamelos J., Refanidis J., Katsaros P., Tsoukias A., Vlahavas J., Pombortsis A.: An Adaptable Framework for Educational Software Evaluation. In: Decision Making: Recent Developments & Worldwide Applications, 45 , pp. 347-360, 2000. (Type: Incollection | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Tousidou E., Manolopoulos Y.: A Performance Comparison of Quadtree-based Access Methods for Color Images. In: Proceedings 14th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pp. 381-388, Como, Italy, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
9. Tousidou E., Nanopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Improved Methods for Signature Tree Construction. In: The Computer Journal, 43 (4), pp. 301-314, 2000. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
10. Tousidou H., Vassilakopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Performance Evaluation of Parallel S-trees. In: Journal of Database Management, 11 (3), pp. 28-34, 2000. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
11. Tzouramanis T., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Multiversion Linear Quadtrees for Spatio-temporal Data. In: Proceedings 4th East-European Conference on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS-DASFAA), pp. 279-292, Prague, Czech Republic, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
12. Tzouramanis T., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Overlapping Linear Quadtrees and Spatiotemporal Query Processing. In: The Computer Journal, 43 (4), pp. 325-344, 2000. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
13. Vakali A.: Data block prefetching and caching in a hierarchical storage model. In: Information Sciences, 128 (1-2), pp. 19-41, 2000. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX)
14. Vakali A.: Evolutionary Prefetching and Caching in an Independent Storage Units Model. In: Proceedings 1st International Conference on Advances in Information Systems (ADVIS), Izmir, Turkey pages = 265-274, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
15. Vakali A.: LRU-based Algorithms for Web Cache Replacement. In: Proceedings 1st International Conference on Electronic Commerce & Web Technologies (EC-Web), pp. 409-418, London, UK, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
16. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: Data Placement Schemes in Replicated Mirrored Disk Systems. In: Journal of Systems & Software, 55 (2), pp. 115-128, 2000. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
17. Vakali A., Papadimitriou G., Pomportsis A.: A New Approach to the Design of High Performance Multiple Disk Subsystems: Dynamic Load Balancing Schemes. In: Proceedings 8th International Conference on High-Performance Computing & Networking (HPCN), pp. 610-613, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Alcock R.J., Manolopoulos Y.: Time-series Similarity Queries Employing a Feature-Based Approach. In: Proceedings 7th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI'99), pp. III.1-9, Ioannina, Greece, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Corral A., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Algorithms for Joining R-trees and Linear Region Quadtrees. In: Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Spatial Databases (SSD'99), pp. 251-269, Hong-Kong, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Frank A., Grumbach S., Guetting R.H., Jensen C., Koubarakis M., Lorentzos N., Manolopoulos Y., Nardelli E., Pernici B., Schek H.J, Scholl M., Sellis T., Theodoulidis B., Widmayer P.: Chorochronos - a Research Network for Spatiotemporal Database Systems. In: ACM SIGMOD Record, 28 (3), pp. 12-21, 1999. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Gurret C., Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y., Rigaux P.: The BASIS System - a Benchmarking Approach for Spatial Index Structures. In: Proceedings Workshop on Spatio-temporal Database Management (STDBM'99), pp. 152-170, Ed inburgh, UK, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Structure-based Similarity Search with Graph Histograms. In: Proceedings International Workshop on Similarity Search (DEXA-IWOSS'99), pp. 174-178, Florence, Italy, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Papadopoulos A., Rigaux P., Scholl M.: A Performance Evaluation of Spatial Join Processing Strategies. In: Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Spatial Databases (SSD'99), pp. 286-307, Hong Kong, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Stamelos J., Refanidis J., Katsaros P., Vlachavas J., Tsoukias A., Pombortsis A.: Automating the Evaluation of Educational Software. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, pp. 1369-1373, Athens, Greece, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Tzouramanis T., Manolopoulos Y., Lorentzos N.: Overlapping B+trees: an Implementation of a Transaction Time Access Method. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 29 (3), pp. 381-404, 1999. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
9. Tzouramanis T., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Processing of Spatio-temporal Queries in Image Databases. In: Proceedings 3rd East-European Conference on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS'99), pp. 85-97, Maribor, Slovenia, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
10. Vakali A.: A Web-based Evolutionary Model for Internet Data Caching. In: Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 650-654, Glorence, Italy, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
11. Vakali A.: Caching Techniques for Parallel I/O Servicing. In: Proceedings International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Processing Techniques & Applications (PDPTA), Las Vegas, NV, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
12. Vakali A., Malamatos T.: A Simulation Study of Shadowed Disks. In: Proceedings 9th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics, pp. 280-294, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
13. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: Caching Objects from Heterogeneous Information Sources. In: Proceedings 9th International Database Conference (IDC'99), pp. 377-389, Hong-Kong, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
14. Vakali A., Papadimitriou G.: An Adaptive Model for Parallel I/O Processing. In: Proceedings IASTED International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing & Systems (PDCS), pp. 139-142, Cambridge, MA, 1999. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
15. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: External Balanced Regular (x-BR) trees: New Structures for Very Large Spatial Databases. In: Fotiadis D.I., Nikolopoulos S.D. (Ed.): Advances in Informatics, World Scientific, 1999. (Type: Incollection | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Dervos D., Manolopoulos Y., Linardis P.: Comparison of Signature File Models with Superimposed Coding. In: Information Processing Letters, 65 (2), pp. 101-106, 1998. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Nanopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Indexing Time-series Databases for Inverse Queries. In: Proceedings 9th International Conference on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'98), pp. 551-560, Vienna, Austria, 1998. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Multiple Range Query Optimization in Spatial Databases. In: Proceedings 2nd East-European Conference on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS'98), pp. 71-82, Poznan, Poland, 1998. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Similarity Query Processing using Disk Arrays. In: Proceedings ACM Conference of the Special Interest Group on Management of Data (SIGMOD'98), pp. 225-236, Seattle, WA, 1998. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Theodoridis Y., Sellis T., Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Specifications for Efficient Indexing in Spatiotemporal Databases. In: Proceedings 10th International Conference on Scientific & Statistical Database Management (SSDBM'98), pp. 123-132, Capri, Italy, 1998. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Tzouramanis T., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Overlapping Linear Quadtrees - a Spatio-Temporal Access Method. In: Proceedings 6th ACM Workshop on Advances in Geographical Information Systems (GIS'98), pp. 1-7, Bethesda, MD, 1998. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: Information Placement Policies in Tertiary Storage Systems. In: Proceedings Panhellenic Conference on New Information Technologies (NIT), Athens, Greece, 1998. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: Replication in Mirrored Disk Systems. In: Proceedings 2nd East-European Conference on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS'98), pp. 224-235, Poznan, Poland, 1998. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Dervos D., Linardis P., Manolopoulos Y.: S-index: a Hybrid Structure for Text Retrieval. In: Proceedings 1st East European Symposium on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS'97), pp. 204-209, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1997. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Faloutsos C., Jagadish H.V., Manolopoulos Y.: Analysis of N-dimensional Quadtree Decomposition of Arbitrary Rectangles. In: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 9 (3), pp. 373-383, 1997. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Manolopoulos Y., Nardelli E., Papadopoulos A., Proietti G.: MOF-tree: a Spatial Data Structure to Manipulate Multiple Overlapping Features. In: Information Systems, 22 (8), pp. 465-481, 1997. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Nearest Neighbor Queries in Shared-Nothing Environments. In: Geoinformatica, 1 (4), pp. 369-392, 1997. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Performance of Nearest Neighbor Queries in R-trees. In: Proceedings 4th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'97), pp. 394-408, Delphi, Greece, 1997. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: Parallel Data Paths in Two-headed Disk Systems. In: Information & Software Technology, 39 (2), pp. 125-135, 1997. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: An Exact Analysis on Expected Seeks in Shadowed Disks. In: Information Processing Letters, 61 (6), pp. 323-329, 1997. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: On Sampling Regional Data. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 22 (3), pp. 309-318, 1997. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Dervos D., Linardis P., Manolopoulos Y.: Perfect Encoding: a Signature Method for Text Retrieval. In: Proceedings 4th Conference on Advanced Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS'96), pp. 176-182, Moscow, Russia, 1996. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Manolopoulos Y., Faloutsos C.: Experimenting with Pattern Matching Algorithms. In: Information Sciences, 90 (1-4), pp. 75-89, 1996. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Manolopoulos Y., Nardelli E., Proietti G., Vassilakopoulos M.: On the Creation of Quadtrees by Using a Branching Process. In: Image & Vision Computing, 14 (2), pp. 159-164, 1996. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Global Page Replacement in Spatial Databases. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'96), pp. 855-864, Zurich, Switzerland, 1996. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Papadopoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: Parallel Processing of Nearest Neighbor Queries in Declustered Spatial Data. In: Proceedings 4th ACM Workshop on Advances in Geographical Information Systems (GIS'96), pp. 35-43, Rockville, MD, 1996. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Vakali A., Manolopoulos Y.: The Impact of Seeking in Partial Match Retrieval. In: Proceedings 7th International Workshop on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 432-437, Zurich, Switzerland, 1996. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Lorentzos N., Manolopoulos Y.: Functional Requirements for Historical and Interval Extensions to the Relational Model. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 17 (1), pp. 59-86, 1995. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Manolopoulos Y., Nardelli E., Proietti G., Vassilakopoulos M.: On the Generation of Aggregated Random Spatial Regions. In: Proceedings 4th International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM'95), pp. 318-325, Baltimore, MD, 1995. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Manolopoulos Y., Vakali A.: Partial Match Reteival in Two-headed Disks. In: Proceedings 6th International Conference on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 594-603, London, UK, 1995. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Vakali A.: Performance of Disk Systems with Two Read/write Heads per Surface. In: Proceedings 5th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), Athens, Greece, 1995. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Dynamic Inverted Quadtrees - a Structure for Pictorial Databases. In: Information Systems, 20 , pp. 483-500, 1995. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: A Random Model for Analyzing Region Quadtrees. In: Pattern Recognition Letters, 16 , pp. 1137-1145, 1995. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y., Kroell B.: Efficiency Analysis of Overlapped Quadtrees. In: Nordic Journal on Computing, 2 (1), pp. 70-84, 1995. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Dervos D., Linardis P., Manolopoulos Y.: Binary Ranking for the Signature File Method. In: Information & Software Technology, 36 (3), pp. 131-139, 1994. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Dervos D., Manolopoulos Y., Linardis P.: Ranking the Validity of Block Candidacies in Signature Files. In: Information Sciences, 79 (1-2), pp. 89-108, 1994. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Faloutsos C., Ranganathan M., Manolopoulos Y.: Fast Subsequence Matching in Time-series Databases" (best paper award. In: Proceedings ACM Conference of the Special Interest Group on Management of Data (SIGMOD'94), pp. 419-429, Minneapolis, MN, 1994. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Lorentzos N., Manolopoulos Y.: Efficient Management of 2-d Interval Relations. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Database & Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 72-82, Athens, Greece, 1994. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Manolopoulos Y.: B-trees with Lazy Parent Split. In: Information Sciences, 79 (1-2), pp. 73-88, 1994. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Manolopoulos Y., Lorentzos N.: Performance of Linear Hashing Schemes for Primary Key Retrieval. In: Information Systems, 17 (6), pp. 491-509, 1994. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Manolopoulos Y., Vakali A.: Expected Seeks in Mirrored Disks. In: Proceedings 2nd Hellenic-European Conference on Mathematics & Informatics (HERMIS) volume = 2, Athens, Greece, 1994. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Analytical Comparison of Two Spatial Data Structures. In: Information Systems, 19 (7), pp. 569-582, 1994. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Analytic Results on Quadtree Average Storage Requirements. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images & Patterns (CAIP'93), pp. 41-48, Budapest, Hungary, 1993. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y., Economou K.: Overlapping Quadtrees for the Representation of Similar Images. In: Image & Vision Computing, 11 (5), pp. 257-262, 1993. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Manolopoulos Y.: Probability Distributions for Seek Time Evaluation. In: Information Sciences, 60 (1-2), pp. 29-40, 1992. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Manolopoulos Y.: Reverse Chaining for Answering Temporal Logical Queries. In: The Computer Journal, 35 (6), pp. 666-668, 1992. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Manolopoulos Y., Christodoulakis S.: File Organizations with Shared Overflow Blocks for Variable Length Objects. In: Information Systems, 17 (6), pp. 491-509, 1992. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Manolopoulos Y., Fistas N.: Algorithms for Hash Based Files with Variable Length Records. In: Information Sciences, 63 (3), pp. 229-243, 1992. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Manolopoulos Y., Vakali A.: Seek Distances in Disk Systems with Two Independent Heads per Surface. In: Information Processing Letters, 37 (1), pp. 37-42, 1991. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Kollias J.G., Manolopoulos Y., Papadimitrou C.: The Optimum Execution Order of Queries in Linear Storage. In: Information Processing Letters, 36 (3), pp. 141-145, 1990. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Lang S.D., Manolopoulos Y.: Efficient Expressions for Completely and Partly Unsuccessful Batched Search of Tree-Structured Files. In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 16 (12), pp. 1433-1435, 1990. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Manolopoulos Y., Faloutsos C.: Analysis for the End of Block Wasted Space. In: BIT, 30 , pp. 620-630, 1990. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Manolopoulos Y., Kapetanakis G.: Overlapping B+trees for Temporal Data. In: Proceedings 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology (JCIT'90), pp. 491-499, Jerusalem, Israel, 1990. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Christodoulakis S., Manolopoulos Y., Larson P.A.: Analysis of Overflow Handling for Variable Length Records. In: Information Systems, 14 (2), pp. 151-162, 1989. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Manolopoulos Y., Kollias J.G.: Expressions for Completely and Partly Unsuccessful Batched Search of Sequential and Tree-Structured Files. In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 15 (6), pp. 794-799, 1989. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Manolopoulos Y., Kollias J.G.: Performance of a Two-headed Disk System when Serving Database Queries under the SCAN Policy. In: ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 14 (3), pp. 425-442, 1989. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Manolopoulos Y., Poulakas G.: An Adaptation of a Root Finding Method to Searching Ordered Disk Files Revisited. In: BIT, 29 (2), pp. 364-368, 1989. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


1. Manolopoulos Y., Kollias J.G.: Estimating Disk Head Movement in Batched Searching. In: BIT, 28 (1), pp. 27-36, 1988. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )


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1. Manolopoulos Y.: Batched Search of Index Sequential Files. In: Information Processing Letters, 22 (5), pp. 267-272, 1986. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
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