Kostas Tsichlas
Assistant Professor
Data Science and Engineering Laboratory (DataLab - former DeLab)
Computer Science Department
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Address Ethnikis Antistaseos 16, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, 55133
Office 2nd Floor, No. 29.
Tel. (+30)2310-991934
Email tsichlas@delab.csd.auth.gr

Currently I am an Assistant Professor at the Informatics Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Extended Bio.

Teaching            Research Interests            Publications       Open Problems-Discussion Forums      Nice Stuff

Teaching (in Greek)

  1. Computational Geometry (8th Semester 2014 - ...)

  2. Social Network Analysis (MSc 2015 - ...) (with Prof. A. Vakali)

  3. Discrete Mathematics (1st Semester 2008 - ...)

  4. Algorithms and Complexity (7th Semester 2014 - ...)

  5. Advanced Data Structures (6th Semester 2016 - ...)

Past Courses (in Greek)

  1. Advanced Data Structures (MSc 2008-2015)

  2. Theory of Computation (6th Semester 2008-2014)

  3. Linear Algebra (1st Semester 2011-2013)

  4. Analysis of Algorithms (5th Semester 2008-2013)

  5. Graph Theory (6th Semester 2009-2010)

  6. Arithmetic Analysis (3rd Semester 2008-2011)

Research Interests



  1. Optimal Solutions for the Temporal Precedence Problem. G. S. Brodal, C. Makris, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. Algorithmica, 33(4):494-510, 2002.

  2. Approximate String Matching with Gaps. M. Crochemore, C. Iliopoulos, C. Makris, W. Rytter, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. Nordic Journal of Computing, 9:54-65, 2002.

  3. Reflected Min-Max Heaps. C. Makris, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. Information Processing Letters (IPL), 86(4):209-214, 2003.

  4. Optimal Finger Search Trees in the Pointer Machine. G. S. Brodal, C. Makris, G. Lagogiannis, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Special Issue on STOC 2002, 67(2):381-418, 2003.

  5. Rectangle Enclosure Reporting in Linear Space Revisited. G. Lagogiannis, C. Makris, Y. Panagis, S. Sioutas and K. Tsichlas. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 8(4):633--645, 2003.

  6. New Dynamic Balanced Search Trees with Worst-Case Constant Update Time. G. Lagogiannis, C. Makris, Y. Panagis, S. Sioutas and K. Tsichlas. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 8(4):607--632, 2003.

  7. Geometric Retrieval of Grid Points in the RAM model. C. Makris, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis, J. Tsaknakis, K. Tsichlas and B. Vassiliadis. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 10(9):1325-1353, 2004.

  8. Computation of Repetitions and Regularities on Biological Weighted Sequences. M. Christodoulakis, C. Iliopoulos, L. Mouchard, K. Perdikuri, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. Journal of Computational Biology, 13(6):1214-1231, 2006.

  9. 2-D Monotone Spatial Indexing Scheme with Optimal Update Time. L. Drossos, S. Sioutas, K.Tsichlas and K.Ioannou. Transactions on Systems, ISSN: 1109-2777, 5(1):142--147, 2006.

  10. Locating Maximal Multirepeats in Multiple Strings Under Various Constraints. A. Bakalis, C. Iliopoulos, C. Makris, S. Sioutas, E. Theodoridis, A.Tsakalidis and K.Tsichlas. Computer Journal, 50(2):178-185, 2007.

  11. Algorithms for Extracting Motifs from Biological Weighted Sequences. C. Illiopoulos, K. Perdikuri, E. Theodoridis, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Special Issue on SPIRE 2004, 5(2):229-242, 2007.

  12. Efficient Access Methods for Temporal Interval Queries of Video Metadata. S. Sioutas, K. Tsichlas, B. Vassiliadis and D.K. Tsolis. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 13(10): 1411-1433, 2007.

  13. Scheduling Algorithms for Procrastinators. M. Bender, R. Clifford and K. Tsichlas. Journal of Scheduling, 11(2):95-104,2008.

  14. A New Approach on Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane. S. Sioutas, K. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas, C. Makris, Y. Manolopoulos. Data Knowledgment Engineering, 67(3): 362-380, 2008.

  15. Canonical Polygon Queries on the Plane: A New Approach. S. Sioutas, D. Sofotassios, K. Tsichlas, D. Sotiropoulos and P. Vlamos. Journal of Computers, 4(9):913--919, 2009.

  16. An Experimental Performance Comparison for Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane. S. Sioutas, G. Papaloukopoulos, K. Tsichlas and Y. Manolopoulos. Special issue of ACM-SIGAPP MEDES '09 on Collectively Intelligent Information and Knowledge Management, Journal on Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), 1(4):78--96, 2010.

  17. ISB-Tree: A New Indexing Scheme with Efficient Expected Behaviour. Ch. Makris, S. Sioutas, Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas, Y. Ch. Zaroliagis. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 8(4):373--387, 2010.

  18. Improved Bounds for Finger Search on a RAM. A. Kaporis, C. Makris, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas and C. Zaroliagis. Algorithmica, 66(2):249--286, 2013.

  19. On the Discovery of Group-Consistent Graph Substructure Patterns from Brain Networks. N.D. Iakovidou, S.I. Dimitriadis, N.A. Laskaris, K. Tsichlas, Y. Manolopoulos. Journal of Neuroscience, 213(2):204--213, 2013.

  20. ART: Sub-Logarithmic Decentralized Range Query Processing with Probabilistic Guarantees. S. Sioutas, P. Triantafillou, G. Papaloukopoulos, E. Sakkopoulos, K. Tsichlas, Y. Manolopoulos. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 31(1):71--109. 2013.


  1. Approximate String Matching with Gaps. M. Crochemore, C. Iliopoulos, C. Makris, W. Rytter, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI), vol. X, pp. 45-50, July 22-25, 2001.

  2. Time and Space Efficient Content Queries for Video Databases. C. Makris, K. Perdikuri, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering (MDDE), pp. 1-8, 2001.

  3. Optimal Finger Search Trees in the Pointer Machine. G.S. Brodal, C. Makris, G. Lagogiannis, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), pp. 583-591, 2002.

  4. Identifying Occurrences of Maximal Pairs in Multiple Strings. C. Iliopoulos, C. Makris, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 13th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), pp. 133-143, 2002.

  5. Rectangle Enclosure Reporting in Linear Space Revisited. G. Lagogiannis, Y. Panagis, S. Sioutas and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 13th Australian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA), 2002.

  6. New Dynamic Balanced Search Trees with Worst-Case Constant Update Time. G. Lagogiannis, C. Makris, Y. Panagis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 13th Australian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA), 2002.

  7. Data Structuring Applications for String Problems in Biological Sequences. Y. Panagis, E. Theodoridis, K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE), pp. 479-483, 2003.

  8. Temporal Selection Queries in Video Databases. S. Sioutas, C. Makris, G. Lagogiannis, E. Sakkopoulos, K. Tsichlas, V. Delis and A. Tsakalidis. In Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering (MDDE), collocated with VLDB, 2003.

  9. Improved Bounds for Finger Search on a RAM. A. Kaporis, C. Makris, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas and C. Zaroliagis. In Proc. of the 11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), LNCS 2832, pp. 325-336, 2003.

  10. The Pattern Matching Problem in Biological Weighted Sequences. C. Iliopoulos, K. Perdikuri, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of FUN with Algorithms, edited by Paolo Ferragina & Roberto Grossi, 106-117, 2004.

  11. On the Canonical k-vertex Polygon Spatial Retrieval Problem. V. Bistiolas, S. Sioutas, D. Sofotassios and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 15th Australian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA), 2004.

  12. Motif Extraction from Weighted Sequences. C. Illiopoulos, K. Perdikuri, E. Theodoridis, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 11th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE), pp. 286-297, 2004.

  13. Searching for Regularities in Weighted Sequences. M. Christodoulakis, C. Iliopoulos, K. Tsichlas and K. Perdikuri. In Proc. of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE), pp. 701-704, 2004.

  14. Pattern Matching on Weighted Sequences. M. Christodoulakis, C. Illiopoulos, L. Mouchard and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of Algorithms and Computational Methods for Biochemical and Evolutionary Networks (CompBionets), pp. 17-30, 2004.

  15. Algorithms for Extracting Structured Motifs from Biological Weighted Sequences. C. Iliopoulos, K. Perdikuri, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In 16th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA), 2005.

  16. Finding Multirepeats in a Set of Strings. A. Bakalis, C. Makris, S. Sioutas, E. Theodoridis and K. Tsichlas. In International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE), 2005.

  17. ISB-Tree: A New Indexing Scheme with Efficient Expected Behaviour. A. Kaporis, C. Makris, G. Mayritsakis, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas and C. Zaroliagis. In Proc. of the 16th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), pp. 318-327, 2005.

  18. Dynamic Interpolation Search Revisited. A. Kaporis, C. Makris, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas and C. Zaroliagis. In Proc. of the 33rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), pp. 382-394, 2006.

  19. Algorithms for Bitmasking Strings. A. Bakalis, C. Iliopoulos, S. Sioutas and K. Tsichlas. In International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE), 2006.

  20. Purely Functional Worst Case Constant Time Catenable Sorted Lists. G.S. Brodal, C. Makris and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 13th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), pp. 172-183, 2006.

  21. Indexing of mobile objects on the plane revisited. S. Sioutas, K. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas, C. Makris and Y. Manolopoulos. In Proc. of the 11th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), 2007.

  22. An Experimental Performance Comparison for Indexing Mobile Objects on the Plane. S. Sioutas, G. Papaloukopoulos, K. Tsichlas and Y. Manolopoulos. In Proc. of MEDES, pp. 210-217, 2009. 

  23. Dynamic 3-Sided Planar Range Queries with Expected Doubly Logarithmic Time. G.S. Brodal, A.C. Kaporis, S. Sioutas, K. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 20th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), pp. 193-202, 2009.

  24. A Novel Distributed P2P Simulator Architecture: D-P2P-sim. S. Sioutas, G. Papaloukopoulos, E. Sakkopoulos, K. Tsichlas and Y. Manolopoulos. In Proc. of CIKM, pp. 2069-2070, 2009.

  25. ART-sub-Logarithmic Decentralized Range Query Processing with Probabilistic Guarantees. S. Sioutas, G. Papaloukopoulos, E. Sakkopoulos, K. Tsichlas, Y. Manolopoulos and P. Triantafyllou. Brief Announcement in PODC, pp. 118-119, 2010.

  26. D^2-tree: A New Overlay with Deterministic Bounds. G.S. Brodal, S. Sioutas, K. Tsichlas and C.D. Zaroliagis. In Proc. of the 21st Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), pp. 1-12, 2010.

  27. Efficient Processing of 3-sided Range Queries with Probabilistic Guarantees. A.C. Kaporis, A.N. Papadopoulos, S. Sioutas, K. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of ICDT, pp. 34-43, 2010.

  28. NEFOS: Rapid Cache-Aware Range Query Processing with Probabilistic Guarantees. S. Sioutas, K. tsichlas, I. Karydis, Y. Manolopoulos and Y. Theodoridis. In Proc. of DEXA, pp. 62-77, 2011.

  29. Continuous monitoring of distance-based outliers over data streams. M. Kontaki, A. Gounaris, A.N. Papadopoulos, K. Tsichlas and Y. Manolopoulos. In Proc. of ICDE, pp. 135-146, 2011.

  30. Fully Persistent B-trees. G.S. Brodal, S. Sioutas, K. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 23rd Symposium on Discerete Algorithms (SODA), pp. 602--614, 2012.

  31. DISCO: a New Algorithm for Detecting 3D Protein Structure Similarity. N.D. Iakovidou, E. Tiakas, K. Tsichlas. In Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Algorithms for Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics (WADTMB) (Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations), 622--631, 2012.

  32.  I/O-Efficient Orthogonal Planar Range Skyline Reporting and Catenable Priority Queues with Attrition. C. Kejlberg-Rasmussen, Y. Tao, K. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas, J. Yoon. Accepted for presentation in (PODS), 2013.

  33. Multi-objective optimization of data flows in a multi-cloud environment. E. Tsamoura, A. Gounaris, K. Tsichlas. Accepted for presentation in Workshop on Data analytics in the Cloud (DanaC), 2013.

  34.  Continuous Outlier Detection in Data Streams: An Extensible Framework and State-Of-The-Art Algorithms. D. Georgiadis, M. Kontaki, A. Gounaris, A. Papadopoulos, K. Tsichlas, Y. Manolopoulos. SIGMOD Demonstration, 2013.

Conferences without Proceedings

  1.  Continuous Monitoring of Distance-based Outliers Over Streams. M. Kontaki, A. Gounaris, Y. Manolopoulos, A. Papadopoulos and K. Tsichlas. Presented at the 10th Hellenic Data Management Symposium (HDMS), 2011.

  2. Fully Persistent $B$-trees. G.S. Brodal, S. Sioutas, K. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. 4th Workshop on Massive Data Algorithmics (MASSIVE), 2012.

  3.  I/O Efficient Dynamic Planar Range Skyline Queries. C. Kejlberg-Rasmussen, K. Tsakalidis, K. Tsichlas. 4th Workshop on Massive Data Algorithmics (MASSIVE), 2012.


Chapters in Books and Lecture Notes

  1. New Upper Bounds on Various String Manipulation Problems. C. Makris, Y. Panagis, K. Perdikuri, S. Sioutas, E. Theodoridis, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas. In Text in Algorithms vol. 2: String Algorithmics, eds. C. Iliopoulos and T. Lecroq, King's College Publications, ISBN 1-904987-0-2-8, pp. 171-193, 2004.

  2. Business Systems for Office Automation. Lecture notes for the course "Business Systems for Office Automation and Procedure Redesign". Department of Business Planning and Information Systems, Technological Educational Institute of Patras, K. Tsichlas, 83 pages, 2006.

  3. Analysis of Algorithms. Lecture notes for the course "Analysis of Algorithms" (in Greek). Y. Manolopoulos, S. Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis and K. Tsichlas, 2011.

  4. Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Data Sets. Lecture notes for the MSc course "Advanced Indexing Techniques" (in Greek). MSc students and K. Tsichlas. (under preparation)

  5.  Access Methods. A.N. Papadopoulos, K. Tsichlas, A. Gounaris, Y. Manolopoulos. In Information Systems and Information Technology, Volume 2 (Computing Handbook Set, Third Edition,) edited by Heikki Topi and Allen Tucker. Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis, 2014 (forthcoming).

Open Problems - Discussion Forums

The following papers (reports) provide open problems to various areas of algorithms (some of them may have been solved). In addition, you can follow the links to some discussion lists for very interesting open problems.

The following link contains a list of open problems on algorithms with updated information on their status.

The Open Problems Project.


A very good site for making questions and getting good answers. In addition, of you search you will find a lot of open problems (usually hard or very hard). 

Theoretical Computer Science - Stack Exchange


Solve puzzles for science and maybe you will get your name on a published paper!!!!



Nice Stuff

Here are some articles, books and videos I enjoyed reading or watching.

For the people that think that Acceptance Ratios of conferences shows the value of the accepted paper please take a look at the following paper (there are a lot more). Or else take a look at my publications to see a lot of "weak" publications with very high ARs.

G. Cormode, A. Chumaj and S. Muthukrishnan. How to Increase the Acceptance Ratios of Top Conferences, In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Fun with Algorithms (FUN), 262-273, 2004.

Cities of course are not built overnight and according to some predefined plan. At least this is what happens in Greek cities. But what would be the best shape of a city if we could built them all over again?

C.M. Bender, M.A. Bender, E. Demaine and S. Fekete. What is the Optimal Shape of a City?, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General,  37(1):147-159, 2004.

Computer Science has a lot to learn, share and provide with/to other disciplines. One such book that provides such a connection (although somewhat weak) is the following:

Physics of Emergence and Organization. I.. Licata and A. Sakaji (editors), World Scientific Publishing, 2008.

Can the notion of algorithm provide new insight and be used as an expression tool in place of Math (or in conjuction with Math)? Take a look at this nice article by B. Chazelle on the notion of Algorithm.

It is true: Insertion Sort can be done in O(nlogn) time with high probability. Take a look at this very nice paper. M.A. Bender, M. Farach-Colton and M. Mosteiro. Insertion Sort is O(nlogn). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN), 16-23, 2004.

Will algorithms be the next tool for the formalization of sciences and in particular of complex scientific phenomena? Will their role in the 21st century be what the role was for Math in the 20th century? Watch this video.

Yes, a slime mould can compute shortest paths - provided of course that food has been taken care of. Look at this paper

War has been declared to the impact factor. http://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/104/10/1267.pdf