Since the first conference in 1995, EANN has provided a great discussion forum on engineering applications of neural networks and related artificial intelligence technologies.

EANN promotes the use of neural networks and associated techniques where significant benefits can be derived from their use. The conference is not only for reporting advances in techniques, but also for showing how neural networks provide practical solutions in a wide range of applications. Novel, innovative applications and methods are particularly appreciated.

The conference attracts between 50 and 100 engineers, researchers, academics and managers from universities, research centres and industry. Papers are presented orally and not more than 2 sessions are held simultaneously in order to offer a real forum for discussion. Submissions are welcome from all fields of informatics and engineering and some special sessions, dedicated to these different fields, are organised.

Both theoretical and practical work should be submitted, but the authors are encouraged to focus their paper on the presentation of an application featuring experimental results on real world data. There will be an exhibition of software and products from researchers and companies, and submissions of proposals for exhibits are welcome.

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