

1. Antaris S., Rafailidis D.: In-memory Stream Indexing of Massive and Fast Incoming Multimedia Content. In: IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 4 (1), pp. 40-54, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
2. Christoforidis G., Kefalas P., Papadopoulos A.N., Manolopoulos Y.: Recommendation of Points-of-Interest using Graph Embeddings. In: Proceedings 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science & Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Turin, Italy, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
3. Dematis I., Karapistoli E., Vakali A.: Fake Review Detection via Exploitation of Spam Indicators and Reviewer Behavior Characteristics. In: SOFSEM 2018: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
4. Founta A.M., Djouvas C., Chatzakou D., Leontiadis I., Blackburn J., Stringhini G., Vakali A., Sirivianos M., Kourtellis N.: Large Scale Crowdsourcing and Characterization of Twitter Abusive Behavior. In: Proceedings 12th International Conference on Web & Social Media (ICWSM), pp. 491-500, Stanford, CA, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
5. Garcia-Garcia F., Corral A., Iribarne L., Vassilakopoulos M., Manolopoulos Y.: Efficient Large-scale Distance-based Join Queries in SpatialHadoop. In: Geoinformatica, 22 (2), pp. 171-209, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
6. Gogoglou A., Tsikrika T., Manolopoulos Y.: Network Analysis of the Science of Science: A Case Study in SOFSEM Conference. In: Proceedings 44th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory & Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM), pp. 94-108, Krems, Austria, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
7. Gounaris A., Torres J.: A Methodology for Spark Parameter Tuning. In: Big Data Research, 11 , pp. 22-32, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
8. Iakovidou N., Laskaris N., Tsichlas C., Manolopoulos Y., Christodoulakis M., Papathanasiou E., Papacostas S., Mitsis G.: A Symbolic Dynamics Approach to Epileptic Chronnectomics: Employing Strings to Predict Crisis Onset. In: Theoretical Computer Science, 710 , pp. 116-125, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
9. Kazepidou D., Rousi M., Gkatziaki V., Vakali A.: Demo: Bostonhood: A Multi-criteria Platform for Ranking City Neighborhoods. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), pp. 288-290, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
10. Kefalas P., Symeonidis P., Manolopoulos Y.: Recommendations Based on a Heterogeneous Spatio-temporal Social Network. In: Work Wide Web, 21 (2), pp. 345-371, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
11. Kougka G., Gounaris A., Simitsis A.: The Many Faces of Data-centric Workflow Optimization: A Survey. In: CoRR, abs-1701.07723 , 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
12. Koumarelas I., Naskos A., Gounaris A.: Flexible Partitioning for Selective Binary Theta-joins in a Massively Parallel Setting. In: Distributed & Parallel Databases, 36 (2), pp. 301-337, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
13. Manolopoulos Y., Katsaros D.: Measuring science in our highly digitized world. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, pp. 1-3, ACM 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
14. Moustaka V., Theodosiou Z., Vakali A., Kounoudes A.: Smart Cities at Risk!: Privacy and Security Borderlines from Social Networking in Cities. In: Companion Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW), pp. 905-910, Lyon, France, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
15. Moustaka V., Vakali A., Anthopoulos L.: A Systematic Review for Smart City Data Analytics. In: ACM Computing Surveys, 51 (5), 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
16. Platis K., Dimitriadis I., Vakali A.: LOCAST: Optimal Location Casting by Crowdsourcing and Open Data Integration. In: 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), pp. 407-412, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
17. Roumelis G, Vassilakopoulos M., Corral A., Fevgas A., Manolopoulos Y.: Spatial Batch-Queries Processing Using xBR+-trees in Solid-State Drives. In: Model and Data Engineering - 8th International Conference, MEDI 2018, Marrakesh, Morocco, October 24-26, 2018, Proceedings, pp. 301–317, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
18. Roumelis G., Vassilakopoulos M., Corral A., Manolopoulos Y.: An Efficient Algorithm for Bulk-loading xBR+trees. In: Computer Standards & Interfaces, 57 , pp. 83-100, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
19. Sideris G., Katsaros D., Sidiropoulos A., Manolopoulos Y.: The Science of Science and a Multilayer Network Approach to Scientists' Ranking. In: Proceedings 22nd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS), pp. 5-11, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
20. Stoupas G., Sidiropoulos A., Gogoglou A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Rainbow Ranking: An Adaptable, Multidimensional Ranking Method for Publication Sets. In: Scientometrics, 116 (1), pp. 147-160, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | BibTeX | Links: )
21. Toliopoulos T., Gounaris A., Tsichlas K., Papadopoulos A.N., Sampaio S.: Parallel Continuous Outlier Mining in Streaming Data. In: Proceedings 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science & Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Turin, Italy, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
22. Truica C.-O., Novovic O., Brdar S., Papadopoulos A.N.: Community Detection in Who-calls-Whom Social Networks. In: Proceedings 20th International Conference on Big Data Analytics & Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), pp. 19-33, Regensburg, Germany, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
23. Tsilingiris A., Dimitriadis I., Vakali A., Andreadis G.: Demo: Diligent — An OSN Data Integration System Based on Reactive Microservices. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), pp. 285-287, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
24. Tzouramanis T., Manolopoulos Y.: Secure Reverse k-Nearest Neighbours Search over Encrypted Multidimensional Databases. In: Proceedings 22nd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS), pp. 84-94, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )
25. Tzouramanis T., Tiakas E., Papadopoulos A.N., Manolopoulos Y.: The Range Skyline Query. In: Proceedings 27th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM), Turin, Italy, 2018. (Type: Inproceedings | BibTeX | Links: )